Sunday, August 2, 2009

An Act of God

This latest post has nothing to do with beer, unfortunately, but I thought I would share it anyways. It involves Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola.

Having come from a religious (specifically Catholic) background, there is one thing I can't stand, God-bashing. After the many years I spent around monks and the occasional hermit (whom you're not even really supposed to say hi to), I've gained a respect for people who have the ability to fully devote themselves to their beliefs. Ridiculing faith that can lead to such peaceful and admirable life-styles is ignorant and disrespectful. An equally infuriating notion is the bible-thumper telling me that they know everything about God, or that they have "the answer", but at the very least if you tell them to back off they'll just tell you "I'll pray for you."

**Before I go into this, let me just say that people are free to believe whatever they want. So this next section isn't meant to hate on atheists, rather to bash on a smal sub-sect of jerk atheists, who are really just jerks who happen to be atheists, so really it's just about jerks.**

The atheist version of the bible-thumper, however, is too pissed off at their current situation to leave your beliefs be. In addition, they'll go into great detail about how all religions are wrong. The savvier ones may pull quotes from sources such as scientists like Richard Dawkins or any number of classical-to-modern philosophers, but most of them will just spout flimsy ideas about their own take on the universe, insisting "I don't know how people can't come to this conclusion", or something like that.

So, with all that on the table, I was at a friend's house last night, and somehow we got on the subject of religion. I had drank a couple of Jack and Coke's beforehand, Here is the experience in a step-wise manner:

-Mixing Jack and Coke is an art form, it must be mixed to taste like both whiskey and coca-cola, not one or the other. Thankfully, this is almost impossible to mess up.
-Mouthfeel- like whiskey
-Intial taste- like coke
-Finishes-like whiskey and coke!
-On my third drink and the person next to me joins in on the conversation on the other side of the room.
-As the night progresses all other conversations have ceased due to the volume of the person next to me
-I get another drink
-Conversation's topic is on how theology professors may be biased to give good grades to "believers"
-I agree that some teachers can be close minded and get another drink
-Person next to me starts to call relgion as a whole "a joke", and proceeds to say how they make a mockery of religion in their lifestyle just because "it's funny"
-In an attempt to finish off the rest of my drink to get another, my cup 180's out of my hand into my crotch, thus ending the conversation.
-Embarassed, I make many crotch jokes
-The majority of the group leaves for the bars, while I notice a house party across the street
-My friend and I decide to go to the house party, where we run into much of our freshman dorm floor
-A much better time ensues, with music, more women, and drink, with my crotch splash as an icebreaker.

Conclusion: Jack Daniels is a gift from God

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