Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Hiatus from the Hiatus

Ok ok, so I haven't really kept up with the blog. Thankfully, I have kept up with the beer tasting in the past ... 8 job Ryan.

Anywho, on that note, I was walking to work today and decided to call John, my best friend from high school, to see if he was coming up to visit before he resumed his position as freshman babysitter over at Catholic University. He had recently just finished an internship working for Parliament in the UK. In conversation that followed, somehow "Correctly pouring a Guinness" became the main topic. In the 8 months since I've written on this site, I have found a bar right here in Milwaukee that actually pours Guinness this way (and draws a little clover in the beer's head to make you feel very touristy.) You might think there isn't a difference between pouring it one way or the other, but either due to unexplored science or the placebo effect, a pint of Guinness just tastes better this way (and gives you two excuses talk to the bartender.)

5 hours later absolutely sapped of energy from trying to fill out the AMCAS and researching prosthetic limbs, I figured my brain was done for the day, and I was day dreaming about a nice pint of the brew that introduced me to the world of stouts. Now for bullet-points:

-20 minutes from leaving the office I'm at the bar at Mo's
-I immediately request a pint of Guinness
-I forget that I ordered the pint of Guinness and wonder what's taking so long
-I feel foolish as a tulip glass with a 3 leaf clover stares me in the face
-The bartender tells me her name is Madison, and that she also studies Biomedical Engineering
-I am immediately impressed at her possession of beer pouring skills, wit, and good looks
-I take my first drink deeply, to get the full effect
-Initial taste-coffee slightly bitter
-Half-way through- caramel
-Down the hatch- ends bitter, feels a bit watery compared to intial mouth feel

Having had this from cans and bottles before, this pint tasted immensely better than Guinness from other containers. Without the right pour, the creaminess/thickness of the brew is totally lost( along with a ton of flavors), leaving you with a watery, bitter libation. While I have a feeling the caramel flavor is mainly due to flaked roast barley used when making guiness, and the brain recognizing the texture as "milk", whatever is happening in this beer can only be brought about by a good bartender.

After 2 pints I went home and ended up reading a disseration and taking a nap.

Verdict: Order at an Irish Pub only, self serve from bottle/can/tap at own risk!

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