Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Like most everyone's college career, mine has been filled with hours in the lab, studying late into the night Of course, back when I was a freshman, the choices of beer for mass consumption were limited to such great brands as Keystone, Hamms, Mountain Creek....yeah, awful.
However, those days are...uh...not as frequent! Shortly after turning 21 I searched for a place to happily consume lots of beer and be considered a patron...rather than a mooch. Fortuitously, only 3 blocks away from my apartment I found the Old German Beer Hall, one of Milwaukee's drunkest and most interesting bars.
All beers served at this bar are from the Hofbrauhaus Muchen, a brewery in Munich that I know little about other than that they make good beer, or at least beer that is meant to be consumed en mass.
This is not to say that the beer isn't good, but when you can get a liter of beer for $5.50 on Thursdays with a college ID... it's hard to remember the finer points of what you're imbibing. So here's an outline of a night you can expect drinking at the Old German Beer Hall.
1. Arrive around 9 or 10, this way you can leave after downing a few liters to go brashly flirt with the opposite tell yourself this is what you will do but it never happens.
2. Order a liter of beer. I usually go with the Hofbrauhaus Original. It's a very smooth beer, and judging from the color and head, it is most definitely a lager, though much heavier than it's American brethren. Sweet the whole way through with a nice hoppy aroma that kicks in at the end. After mass consumption it can taste a little bitter, but that's just your body becoming dehydrated.
3. The first liter seems to disappear from the giant mug it's in until you get to the last 1/8 of the glass....for some reason it won't disappear. At this time one of 2 things will happen.
A) Someone you know will come in and give you a beer on them
B) The band will start playing polka and/or techno, to which the beer wenches will proceed to dance the sluttiest chicken dance you have ever seen.

Beer Taste: You still have complete control of your taste buds, it's smooth, sweet, and filling.

4. Now you might as well stay to talk to your friend and play some weird drunk hammering nails in log game with them, or remember your childhood between gulps of liquid bread as random people start dancing on the large oak tables. At some point you run into the same problem you had with the first liter, but power through.

Beer Taste: After the first beer this one seemed a little more bitter...but then the alcohol kicked in and it was just sweet and filling again

5. It's time to go to the bar across the street. That's what you say to yourself, but your cheap college ass won't let you go to a bar and pay upwards of $10 more dollars to get more than buzzed when you can spend that here and get completely annihilated. Also, the benches are comfy for some reason. You get yourself another liter and begin nursing it

Beer Taste: You can't really taste anymore. The sweet is gone and you get a slight bitter aftertaste in your mouth. You might be able to slap yourself in the face and not feel it if you're a little person. The mouthfeel is still smooth. If you induldged in the dollar shots, this will also taste like black licorice and wood.

6. Somehow you finish that last beer. Amongst the polka and weird German techno you stumble out of the bar with either the buddies you came with or the buddies you met up there. Even if you go to the bar across the street, chances are you won't remember it, and will drink yourself into oblivion trying to talk to some girl.

7. Good morning, it's 12:00 in the afternoon and you go get pancakes.

Conclusion: Your chance to re-enact Beerfest without feeling like a tool

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