Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hey all. No I'm not some random persona of Ryan. I am Arthur. H4XX0Rz-ing the site with my own blend of Beers that actually...Don't come from the US of A. Being in Australia has taught me two important things:

1) Never buy electronics in Australia. It's hideously expensive.

2) Beer in Australia is good. Not oh-wow-that-corona-light-with-lime-is-good good, I mean damn good.

The main difference, in my opinion at least, between US beers and Aussie beers would be the fact that US beers only have...3%? alcohol while Aussie beers have 5.7% alcohol. Granted that isn't too big of a difference but when a mate, friend in the US, challenges you to drinking a pitcher of beer by yourself because you told him you could down two in an hour...It hits you. Hard. Especially when it's a very good beer.

Beer I'll be talking about this time: Little Creatures Pale Ale (LCPA for my purposes).

Hand-crafted beer. Aka microbrewed. Extremely tastey. It's, as it obviously says, a [b]Pale[/b] Ale. Not for those people that like the heavy stuff like Ryan supposedly does with the whole Guinness thing. I for one can't stand beers that make it feel like I'm eating bread. But that's besides the point. Little Creatures is a 5.7% alcohol micro-brewed beer. Australia ONLY. Spectacular right? Especially for all those folks that are going there (sarcasm). Point of the matter is. LCPA has a rather bitter taste to begin with but smooths itself out about halfway through the bottle. It's actually got a specially made glass for it, which I refuse to buy so I have to deal with said taste. But when I went to the bars they conveniently had a one of those glasses and I got to try it out. That is probably a far superior way of drinking this beer. The head is perfect and the color is great.

I'll talk more about it later...Time to drink some more.